Moving Pictures
2019 Dream Horse 2004
Animation Nancy Willis
2019 Flying Trapeze(c.1988)
Animation: Elliott Kajdan
2019 Lost Animal on a Windy Day c.1990s
Animation: Jai Vellala Wilson
2019 The Explorer (1988)
Animation: Nancy Willis & Elliott Kajdan
2015 Goats Grazing 2014
Animation: Reetesh Motah [0'15'']
2009 Transformation I & 2 [6'11" & 6'42"] Inspired by 'The Explorer' poems by Allan Sutherland commissioned by DAO Made by Nancy Willis with Joe McConnell
Featuring music by Chris Morris.
2008 Alpine Journey [2'13"]
Animation: Nancy Willis & Barry Leigh Piano by Nick Tomalin [2'13"]
2007 Elegy for the Elswick Envoy [22'39"]
directed by Nancy Willis [22'39"]
Award-winning documentary
commissioned by Channel 4 television